Opening the doors

Avet HX 40/2 Raptpr and Avet EX 80/2 on table

I’ve always enjoyed fishing. I’ve always been one to tinker with things and, much to my wife’s distress, often have various disassembled things around the house. It only seems natural to me that I would eventually find myself fully dismantling, making repairs, and then reassembling fishing reels that are as big as a roll of paper towels.

Which is exactly what has happened.

Welcome to Lands End Reel Service and Maintenance!

As a business, my goal is to provide the best service possible. As with other businesses there are a few things “post ‘vid” that require patience. Parts are slow to arrive. Shipping is stupid expensive. I can’t do much about the first one, but I have a bit of a solution to the second one (we help reduce your shipping costs).

On a personal front, I’ve reached an age where staying involved means less participation and more helping others. As much as I want to spend a day offshore with my friends at Full Hookups Sport Fishing, right now I need to be happy spending my time keeping reels and boats in the best possible shape.

That Guy in front of Full Hookups Sport Fishing

I’m hoping Lands End Reel Service and Maintenance can grow into something bigger. Until then, send me your reels, I’ll get them tip top, and you go catch some fish!