Reel Sizing

Avet HX 40/2 Raptpr and Avet EX 80/2 on table

Let’s be honest, reel sizing is confusing. That Guy takes a simple approach that he thinks would give semi-pretentious coffee shops a run for their money. Since That Guy is … well, “that guy” … his take on small, medium, and large should give you a chuckle.

Conventional Reels
  • TIA — Three Inch Average. Sizes up to 20.
  • BTA — Bigger Than Average. Sizes 25 – 45.
  • BBT — Big Boy Toy. Sizes 50 and up.

You will see TIA, BTA, and BBT in our SKUs and other documents.

Mrs. keeps rolling her eyes and muttering “grow up”. Who really wants to do that? Instead, That Guy will continue to have some fun with words.